Trento's Martial Arts and Fitness Center
215 Chestnut St, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 * 201-203-0773
Battle Ready Kickboxing is a hybrid method deriving its techniques from American Full-Contact Kickboxing, Israeli Military Krav Maga, and Muay Thai Kickboxing; organized in a curriculum that targets a method directed specifically for modern warrior development for military missions on the battlefield.
Battle Ready Kickboxing is a professional striking curriculum designed for fast deployment training targeting the objective of military application for urban warfare missions against insurgents and terrorists in extreme close quarter's environments. The core training is true battle-readiness for modern warriors facing the challenge of having to battle with an enemy who is willing, right or wrong, to die for its own cause. The outcome of a battle reveals who came to that specific battle more prepared for Hand-to-hand combat
This system includes drills on the attack, defense, close encounter, and intercepting attacks. This class is not only a class to learn how to fight, but provides a fantastic physcial workout that helps builds endurance, stegnth, and great agility that truly makes you fit to fight, combat fit, and battle ready! This is NOT your orginary kickboxing class!